Adult Aerial Bungee Play

Monday, Jun 26, '23 from 7–8:15pm EDT
For kids and adults
$50 per kid $50 per adult ticket 2 spots left!

Come join Jenny, certified Grounded Aerial bungee instructor, for an hour of bungee play! You will experience a unique aerial movement exploration along with building strength, coordination and confidence.

Who can fly: Students must be healthy, not pregnant, not recovering from serious injuries, and must be cleared by their doctor for physical exercise. It is common for students to experience neck and lower back soreness, bruising, friction burns, and discomfort from the harness. Students will experiment with being fully suspended, spiraling and being upside down and may experience spatial disorientation, dizziness, headaches as a result.

Rigging of the bungee equipment is individualized to each mover and their weight. We need to know your exact weight to safely rig a specific piece of equipment for you.

Each mover needs to wear tight fitting clothes, and bring water bottle. You do not want the harness rubbing against bare skin. Some movers may choose to wear padded bike shorts and/or biking/weight lifting gloves to provide comfort while using the equipment.

dance, sports, and specialty class
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