eLive Spring Camp - Arcade Game Design

Wednesday, Apr 15, '20 from 9:30am–12pm PDT
Weekly on Wed starting Monday, Mar 30 and ending Friday, Apr 24
8–14 yrs old
Optional: adults can stay or take a breather

Our eLive camp allows students to participate in classes, as well as interact with classmates, and ask questions of the instructor--all virtually from the comfort of their own home.

This class requires a computer running either Windows or Mac OS.

Description: Come reimagine your favorite arcade games! Students will create and customize arcade style games using Scratch--a friendly, easy to use game design tool. Young arcade game designers can tap in to the classics--like remixing Pacman with your own face!

(Please read and follow these instructions carefully. Digital Dragon will open the meeting link 30 minutes prior to class start time to help with troubleshooting--we will not start camp content until class start time.)

Digital Dragon will be offering your class through an online platform called Zoom. There are a few things you will need to do before participating in class tomorrow.

Task 1: Visit the following link--it should prompt you to download Zoom.
https://zoom.us/support/download Once you’ve downloaded it, you’ll need to run and install the software.

Task 2: Please test your Zoom audio before class. See here for a how-to on that: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362283-Testing-Computer-or-Device-Audio

You will receive a class link through our reminder email the day of class.

This class requires any computer with a web browser (Mac, PC, or Chromebook). Tablets and smart phones will not be adequate.

Task 3: Please navigate to: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/ From there you can sign-up for a Scratch account (if you don’t have one already).

While it’s not necessary to have a Scratch account, we do highly recommend that you sign-up for one as it will allow you to save and work on projects in the future.

Spring Camp and eLive
This activity already took place